First of all, your call will be answered by a friendly and understanding Living Well Senior Care coordinator.
We will ask you to describe your situation. We will ask questions to get a better understanding of your needs. We listen to your needs and will discuss the services we offer and the costs of such services appropriate to your needs. If it is determined that another agency might better meet your needs, we will refer you to such an agency. For instance, if you call about a service that Medicare covers, we will refer you to a Medicare home health agency so you do not have to pay out-of-pocket.
If the services LWSC offers meet your needs, we then schedule a free, in-home consultation. Typically the consultation is conducted in the client’s home. However, if the client is in the hospital or a nursing facility, the care coordinator can meet you there instead. Many times we will ask that a family member or other personal representative be present for the consultation if the client does not make personal or business decisions for him/herself due to cognitive impairment.
During the consultation, a comprehensive plan of care will be developed. We will ask questions about the client’s medical history, current situation, and daily needs. With your guidance, we will determine those days and times you want a caregiver for assistance. Emergency contact numbers and other logistical information will be discussed as well.
A deposit for the first week’s service is paid by the client or billing party. If the billing party is not able to attend the assessment, the care coordinator can handle paperwork by telephone, fax, email or regular mail.
Services will begin as soon as dates are scheduled and we match the appropriate caregiver/companion (as soon as 24 hours) and when all paperwork is completed.
You will be provided log-in information to our online family portal.
Any problems, concerns, complaints, or compliments will be handled promptly and professionally.
You will NOT be bothered with call-offs and no-shows. Should the care coordinator need to find a substitute caregiver, you will be notified of the change. You will have peace of mind knowing your loved one is well taken care of in his or her own home (or alternate living environment).
As the client needs change, the care coordinator can reassess and change the staffing pattern to accommodate the situation.
Some clients use Living Well Senior Care for a short period of recuperation. Others use LWSC for long-term, in-home care. We are passionate about providing superior care by thoroughly screened and trained caregivers.