Promotes a Safe and Secure Return Home
ThPe best part of any hospital, rehabilitation or convalescent facility “stay” is returning home. And sometimes just a little outside help can make a big difference in enjoying a safer and more comfortable return home. For those who might not have family members that are not available to provide this type of support and care, because of work or distance, our Pathways to Home program can be a surprisingly affordable option to achieving a safe and secure return home.
We provide compassionate care… when you need it most!
Our Pathways to Home program is designed to help you transition home immediately after your discharge from a hospital or other care facility. From making sure that prescriptions have been picked up or delivered, to checking the refrigerator for fresh food and helping you with your personal care needs, the Pathways to Home program was designed to provide that little bit of extra help most of us need following a hospital stay. We also provide a second visit to assist you in getting ready for that all important follow-up visit with your primary care physician, or just provide additional care and support.
THE Pathways to Home PACKAGE
Our Pathways to Home program consists of ONE Consultative Visit (up to 1 Hour) and TWO VISITS OF UP TO 4 HOURS IN DURATION (EACH) from our staff to correspond with your immediate return home and your scheduled follow up visit with physician. The Pathways to Home visits include the following:
Assisting with getting you comfortably situated in your home
Coordinating/follow-up with Durable Medical Equipment Companies
Assistance with dressing and personal care
Making sure traffic areas of the house are free from clutter, and put
commonly used items ( TV remote, water, phone) within safe reach
Meal preparation
Picking up groceries or prescriptions
. . .and more!
To learn more about the program, contact us toll free: 888-507-6232 or direct: 940-215-0209 Email us here: